Tag Archives: sleep training

Tips For Baby Sleep Regression

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3 Month Baby Sleep Regression Tips

Sleep regression is a normal but temporary phase in a child’s growth. During this time, the infant’s sleeping patterns shift and they may wake up during the night more often. They also find it difficult to go back to sleep. It can be a very difficult period for parents, especially first time parents. Although it can be stressful for the parents, it marks a development in the baby.

Sleep regressions usually start to occur when the baby is about four months old and last between two to four weeks. They can also recur in the future, at 9 months and 18 months, as the infant continues to grow and develop. Although sleep regression is common, some children never experience it.

The 4 month old sleep regression is usually the hardest for most parents because it is often their first time to experience it. It poses many parenting challenges and can leave both the mother and father exhausted. As a parent, the changing sleep patterns of your child affect your sleeping patterns too. Whenever the infant wakes up at night, you also have to wake up to tend to him/her. This may have a huge impact on your work, as you may wind up getting less sleep and rest than you require. For those new to parenting, it can be a frustrating experience.

At 4 months, an infant starts achieving milestones in their development. Their life becomes busier as they start gaining motor control. Crawling, squirming, and rolling over form part of their daily routine. All this activity affects how they sleep. In the first three months, an infant sleeps for about 16 hours in a day. However, during the 4 month old baby sleep regression  he/she will get about 12 hours of sleep spread throughout the day. Their nap time during daytime reduces to a total of 4 hours spread throughout the day.by sleep regression

Before they turn four months, infants are usually easy to lull to sleep and they can remain asleep for a long time. However, when sleep regression sets in, it upsets the balance for most parents. This can, however, be managed by applying sleep training techniques. This involves controlling the child’s sleep environment as well as their nap time schedule. Some simple tricks can help reduce the impact of a sleep regression.The activities of your child during daytime have a bearing on their sleep pattern. Thus, you need to carry out sleep training with this in mind. Ensuring he/she is fully fed and has enough time to practice their movements during the day would lead to fewer sleep interruptions at night. You also need to train your infant on bedtime routines while ensuring the room is dark and calm as they sleep. Adjusting the sleep routine as well as the environment trains your child to fall asleep under certain conditions. For example, they learn to associate the dark with sleep time. With consistency in routines, parents can enjoy nighttime sleep even during sleep regressions.

Getting Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Pam Nease sleep mother and baby

Sleeping All Night

Sleeping through the night could be different for different age groups and babies are in a group of their own. Generally sleeping through the night means a period of at least six to nine hours. Children and adults would normally sleep for this period, but babies are different and sleep differently. At times through the night they may need to feed, due to shorter intervals in between feed.

Though babies awake during the night, they may promptly go back to sleep soon after. This is so since sleep is so important for the development needs of growing infants. But as babies grows, they would begin to sleep longer periods and eventually sleep through the night. During the first three months of life, they must adjust to life outside the womb. They continue to sleep through both day and night and need to be fed every two to three hours.

3 Months Old

At around three months babies may begin to sleep longer each time and so need fewer feed time in the night. By six months they may need to have feed every four to five hours and so at night sleep for baby will be for longer periods. Babies’ Moro or startle reflex reduces by three to six months so this aids in babies being able to sleep for longer periods. It is at this stage where they begin to gain more control over their reflexes and movements.

At around four to six months you will start seeing self-soothing behavior in babies. At this stage you can start training for falling asleep without your aid. Babies start falling asleep on their own. While still awake and drowsy parents can put them down quietly and carefully. Also, they can help induce sleep by limiting the light in the room. After this six-month stage, babies should fall asleep on their own.

At this stage you will be able have your little one in a regular schedule for sleep and naps. Babies will be taking fewer sleep and nap time sessions during the day. This reduced daytime sleep will be made up for during the nighttime. So, your little one will start sleeping as many as 10 or 11 hours during the night. Babies will be more involved in their own activities and self-soothing where your role can be to just encourage and make sure the little one is comfortable.

Also, around six months babies may feel separation anxiety and even if having been good sleeper, may experience sleep regression. They may cry and not sleep without parent being in the room. It is a normal part of babies’ development and if you think you need help it may be a good idea to consult your pediatrician for ways to deal with it.

From nine months to a year, with right parenting, you should have your baby on a set sleeping schedule. Daytime would be for nap time and at night for sleep. At this stage babies will sleep for longer periods and through the night.